Universal Studios, Orlando - awesome
Miami Beaches and downtown, Miami - beauuutiful
Southernmost, Key West - nice
Disney World, Orlando - New year di sana
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Kaki-kaki facebook
Gadis miserable dan emo kuatkan semangat aku, sedih dan pilu
2 minutes ago. Comment. Like
Si kaki report aktiviti harian hari ni nak makan ikan masin cicah kicap
4 minutes ago. Comment. Like
Kaki comment dan like Suke2, nak mkn sushi dgn belacan!
Oh betapa hebatnya gaya hidupku Spent 3000++ on a pair of Jimmy Choo to match my Chanel dress.
5 minutes ago. Comment. Like
Followerku berjuta layan DJ Dave
10 minutes ago. Comment. Like
48 people like this.
View all 26 comments
Si kaki report aktiviti harian baru lepas dgr Beyonce
Budak suka main game fb farmville lagi BEST
Facebook walaupun di jamban kat mamak, makan tosai [via Celcom SMS]
18 minutes ago via Facebook Text Message. Comment. Like
Kaki comment dan like likes this.
Kaki comment dan like order spagheti une
Penulis lirik kot Negaraku..tanah tumpahnya darahku..rakyat hidup..
36 minutes ago. Comment. Like
Mamat suka quote "Melayu mudah lupa" - Dr. M
37 minutes ago. Comment. Like
Penulis lirik kot Negaraku..tanah tumpahnya darahku..rakyat hidup..
36 minutes ago. Comment. Like
Mamat suka quote "Melayu mudah lupa" - Dr. M
37 minutes ago. Comment. Like
Dimanakah anda?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
B.Y.S ah-ha
Case#1: A fresh graduate was waiting in a line for a job interview. He got a message from one of his friends; "Hey dude, good luck and just be yourself". He replied; "I'm being the one that the company needs, not myself obviously".
Case#2: A husband divorced his wife because she didn't know how to cook. Two months ago, the man said; "I love you for whoever you are, just be yourself".
Life is a stage, we are the players and fake is the conflict. We have hidden personality and we also have 'what-you-are-supposed-to-have' characteristics. I don't agree with the word "be yourself" because sometimes what is ourselves is something that is disgusting to others. I loved when Tyra Banks said; "I want you to be beautiful inside out" because we are imperfect but we can make ourselves better if we learn how to change. We are not defined as what we always defined as 'ourselves'; in some situation YES, but most of the time NO. Please stop saying 'be yourself' if you don't really mean it.
You can edit photos. However, you can't edit your life; but, you can make attempts and learn from mistakes.
Monday, December 14, 2009
sell your boobs, eh books!
Yuhuu yaribaa karipap angre angre!
Sepanjang kareer aku sebagai pelajar, semester ini merupakan antara yang mencabar dan aku tahu cabaran ini akan lebih getir pada semester yang akan menyusul. Hari ini, sudah genap 4 subjek selesai; keputusan 2 daripadanya pun telah diketahui, 2 lagi bakal menyusul. Titik peluh aku masih berbaki untuk dirembeskan di atas kertas peperiksaan fizik. Korang mesti tahu bagaimana rasanya menanti saat-saat bergelar pelajar bercuti semester kan? Perasaan yang tidak tergambar walaupun diedit menggunakan adobe photoshop CS4.
Perasaan sekarang seolah-olah sedang melayan porno 18SX yang panjang foreplay nye. Tapi bila sudah klimaks, perhhhhhhh...gua xdapat nak bayangkan! Kepada penonton setia pornografi, anda mungkin faham perasaan saya, tapi pada yang tidak faham, don't try this at home when your door is unlocked!
Gambar perhiasan
Entry ini disahkan halal oleh sirim.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
kompang dipalu
My second elder brother will get married in early next year and he will be in his late 25 by that time. My eldest brother got married when he was 24, and my father said his marriage vow to my mother when he was 26 years old. I'm 21, I'm the third and the youngest son in the family. I wish I could travel through time and see how my future wife looks like or maybe I could turn back time to the days when "police and thief" used to be my favorite game.
"Dah ada calon?" dan "Bila lagi?" akan menjadi favorite questions dalam masa beberapa tahun lagi. Oh tidak, rasanya macam cepat pula umur meningkat dan komitmen hidup semakin berat. Mahu memiliki rumah sendiri, kereta sendiri, kerja dan lain-lain.
These past few days, whenever I called my mother, she ended up sobbing when she talked about my brother's wedding preparation. She said; "Semua orang sibuk-sibuk kat sini, tapi anak mak sorang ni tak ada". Selamat pengantin baru Angah!
"Dah ada calon?" dan "Bila lagi?" akan menjadi favorite questions dalam masa beberapa tahun lagi. Oh tidak, rasanya macam cepat pula umur meningkat dan komitmen hidup semakin berat. Mahu memiliki rumah sendiri, kereta sendiri, kerja dan lain-lain.
These past few days, whenever I called my mother, she ended up sobbing when she talked about my brother's wedding preparation. She said; "Semua orang sibuk-sibuk kat sini, tapi anak mak sorang ni tak ada". Selamat pengantin baru Angah!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
kamu itu saya
Pernah tak kamu rasa sedih apabila orang lain sedang berbisik mengatakan sesuatu yang buruk tentang kamu? Mesti kamu tahu bagaimana peritnya kan?
Tapi pernah tak kamu ingat perasaan itu bila kamu dan kawan kamu berkata-kata tentang keburukan seseorang? Mesti kamu lupa kan?
Pernah tak kamu rasa marah kalau rahsia kamu dibocorkan kepada orang lain? Mesti perasaan marah itu ada kan?
Tapi pernah tak kamu ingat perasaan itu bila kamu sedang galak berkongsi rahsia seseorang dengan kawan kamu? Mesti kamu lupa kan?
Nasihat ini adalah peringatan untuk saya dan ambillah iktibar jika kamu rasa ianya bermanfaat bagi kamu.
Tapi pernah tak kamu ingat perasaan itu bila kamu dan kawan kamu berkata-kata tentang keburukan seseorang? Mesti kamu lupa kan?
Pernah tak kamu rasa marah kalau rahsia kamu dibocorkan kepada orang lain? Mesti perasaan marah itu ada kan?
Tapi pernah tak kamu ingat perasaan itu bila kamu sedang galak berkongsi rahsia seseorang dengan kawan kamu? Mesti kamu lupa kan?
Nasihat ini adalah peringatan untuk saya dan ambillah iktibar jika kamu rasa ianya bermanfaat bagi kamu.
Friday, December 4, 2009
si KonNi
Setelah sekian lama aku mengidamkan sebuah kamera dslr, akhirnya impian itu menjadi kenyataan. Tapi kenyataannya sekarang, dompet aku seolah2 berlubang sebesar lubang hidung kakak aku (sejak bile ak ade kakak?). Tapi xpela, yang penting aku happy. Mak tanya berapa harga kamera tu, aku ckp; "taknak bagitau, nnti mak marah". Tapi lepas tu, mak aku sampaikan pesan dari abang aku; "kamera lama pos la ke rumah sekali ngan hadiah kawen angah". Aku cuma ckp OK.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
the final countdown
Akhirnya, cuti selama seminggu telah dihabiskan dengan aktiviti-aktiviti yang kurang berfaedah. Esok bermulalah siri gambate kudasai selama 3 minggu berturut-turut. Selepas itu, duit bakal dihabiskan di pantai Miami, Universal Studio, DisneyWorld dan di mana jua tapak kaki menapak. Mengharapkan 3 minggu depan seperti 3 hari dan 3 minggu yang berikutnya seperti 3 bulan sekurang-kurangnya.
Kepada semua geng bas sekolah, selamat menduduki peperiksaan akhir semester, walaupun sekarang dah mula sejuk, jgn lupa mandi sekurang-kurangnya 3hari sekali. (terma dan syarat tidak tertakluk kepada tuan empunya blog). Kepada rakan-rakan di tanahair, selamat bercuti kepada yg masih bersekolah, dan selamat mendapat bonus kepada yg sudah bekerja. Kepada yg tidak mendapat bonus, cari kerja lain ok.
Kepada semua geng bas sekolah, selamat menduduki peperiksaan akhir semester, walaupun sekarang dah mula sejuk, jgn lupa mandi sekurang-kurangnya 3hari sekali. (terma dan syarat tidak tertakluk kepada tuan empunya blog). Kepada rakan-rakan di tanahair, selamat bercuti kepada yg masih bersekolah, dan selamat mendapat bonus kepada yg sudah bekerja. Kepada yg tidak mendapat bonus, cari kerja lain ok.
Aktiviti 1: Ice skating sambil buat muka selenge
Aktiviti 2: Bowling hampir 5jam dgn menggunakan identiti palsu
Sunday, November 22, 2009
3 am in the morning
These are all the things that I saw and I thought the past few days:
1. I saw my friend's wedding pictures and I thought of getting married. (tahniah Mas!)
2. I saw people carrying their luggages heading to a bus station and I thought of going back home
3. I saw some cool stuff and I thought of owning them
4. I saw small kids walking on a sidewalk with their guardians and I thought of my kid's years
5. I saw an elderly couple holding hands and I thought of my future
AND I saw a blind guy crossing a street and I thought...will I ever think of everything that I've been thinking all this while without the ability to see? I wish I were able to know how blind people feel the happiness just by seeing everything with heart because after all, heart is where happiness comes from.
1. I saw my friend's wedding pictures and I thought of getting married. (tahniah Mas!)
2. I saw people carrying their luggages heading to a bus station and I thought of going back home
3. I saw some cool stuff and I thought of owning them
4. I saw small kids walking on a sidewalk with their guardians and I thought of my kid's years
5. I saw an elderly couple holding hands and I thought of my future
AND I saw a blind guy crossing a street and I thought...will I ever think of everything that I've been thinking all this while without the ability to see? I wish I were able to know how blind people feel the happiness just by seeing everything with heart because after all, heart is where happiness comes from.
I saw this on my way to a cinema and I thought of Miami beach (xde kene mengena plak)
Monday, November 16, 2009
If you seek Ayu (f*ck you)
Some untitled tips:
#1 If you hate someone, don't be hypocrite but act like a famous actor!
#2 If you admire a person, don't blurt it out but stare like nobody cares
#3 If you don't have the time to take a shower, be ready to take some 'compliments'
#4 If you think that someone is looking at you, THINK AGAIN!
#5 If you don't have a penny, beg for a dollar
#6 If you think you are ugly, make up your mind
#7 If you think you are hot, buy a large mirror
#8 If you think you are beautiful, you are right
I walked on a street and I saw this animal, she got a weird tail, she seemed wild but she weren't shy, she even struck a pose when I pulled my camera out of my bag. I don't think she's cute but I'm sure she's brave. Thanks sweetie, you inspired me!
#1 If you hate someone, don't be hypocrite but act like a famous actor!
#2 If you admire a person, don't blurt it out but stare like nobody cares
#3 If you don't have the time to take a shower, be ready to take some 'compliments'
#4 If you think that someone is looking at you, THINK AGAIN!
#5 If you don't have a penny, beg for a dollar
#6 If you think you are ugly, make up your mind
#7 If you think you are hot, buy a large mirror
#8 If you think you are beautiful, you are right
I walked on a street and I saw this animal, she got a weird tail, she seemed wild but she weren't shy, she even struck a pose when I pulled my camera out of my bag. I don't think she's cute but I'm sure she's brave. Thanks sweetie, you inspired me!
Friday, November 6, 2009
basuh kaki sebelum tidur
krrooorrhhh. His stomach made a familiar sound. He said; A bagel with creamcheese sounds great! He walked to the kitchen, opened up the fridge to grab a bagel. O-O oh ada telur!! Bagel or telur dadar? omputih or melayu?
He chose telur instead of bagel. He was right, his stomach is now happy.
Pizza or roti canai? ane, roti une!
Hot chocolate or teh tarik? tarik panjang-panjang ok!
Bacon or ikan bilis? sorry, I'm Muslim
Burito or popia basah? Abang, letak sos lebih ye
A plate of spaghetti prepared by the best cook will never taste like mee kari kak esah.
Empty plate. Full stomach. Another entry is posted.
krrooorrhhh. His stomach made a familiar sound. He said; A bagel with creamcheese sounds great! He walked to the kitchen, opened up the fridge to grab a bagel. O-O oh ada telur!! Bagel or telur dadar? omputih or melayu?
He chose telur instead of bagel. He was right, his stomach is now happy.
Pizza or roti canai? ane, roti une!
Hot chocolate or teh tarik? tarik panjang-panjang ok!
Bacon or ikan bilis? sorry, I'm Muslim
Burito or popia basah? Abang, letak sos lebih ye
A plate of spaghetti prepared by the best cook will never taste like mee kari kak esah.
Empty plate. Full stomach. Another entry is posted.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Rungutan si kusut pada si masai
Sepanjang persekolahan aku di sini, tak pernah aku rasa sekusut dan semasai ini. Semester-semester lepas, exams selang beberapa minggu. Sekarang, hampir setiap minggu ada 1 atau 2 atau 3 exams. Minggu depan ada 2 exams, minggu depan lagi ada 2 lagi exams, minggu depan lagi lagi ada presentation. Lepas tu cuti thanksgiving seminggu, seminggu selepas cuti, ada 1 exam, minggu depannya ada 3 final exams. Belum lagi campur exam2 sebelum entry ni di tulis. Mahu pecah serebrum aku dibuatnya.
Kalau exams tu suruh tulis abc cekodok basi boleh la aku bersuka ria menjawab, tapi exams pasal C2b, C4, C4b2a, C5..apa kejadahnya semua ini? Kalau exams pasal 123 kucing berlari, mampulah aku congak pakai jari, tapi exams pasal K=9 x 10^9 N·m/C^2, pakai kalkulator saintifik pon belum tentu dapat jawapan.
Wahai masa, tolonglah berdetik laju lagi. Biarlah aku penat berlari, asalkan aku dapat balik Malaysia cepat. Alangkah indahnya kalau ada bas ekspres rakyat RM30 dari sini ke Malaysia.
Kalau exams tu suruh tulis abc cekodok basi boleh la aku bersuka ria menjawab, tapi exams pasal C2b, C4, C4b2a, C5..apa kejadahnya semua ini? Kalau exams pasal 123 kucing berlari, mampulah aku congak pakai jari, tapi exams pasal K=9 x 10^9 N·m/C^2, pakai kalkulator saintifik pon belum tentu dapat jawapan.
Wahai masa, tolonglah berdetik laju lagi. Biarlah aku penat berlari, asalkan aku dapat balik Malaysia cepat. Alangkah indahnya kalau ada bas ekspres rakyat RM30 dari sini ke Malaysia.
Friday, October 30, 2009
People will layer up their clothes when the temperature goes below freezing
To be naked in the winter is not sexy but crazy
Leaves will fall down to the earth when the sky is about to shower tonnes of ices
To be naked in the winter is a must for most trees. Why?
Because trees need water, not ice
They need light, not darkness
How about us?
People need love that cares
Not love that just bites!
To be naked in the winter is not sexy but crazy
Leaves will fall down to the earth when the sky is about to shower tonnes of ices
To be naked in the winter is a must for most trees. Why?
Because trees need water, not ice
They need light, not darkness
How about us?
People need love that cares
Not love that just bites!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Jom pegi zoo
Orang kata,
Masuk kandang kambing, mengembek (mmbbbekkk)
Masuk kandang lembu, mengembu (boooo)
Masuk kandang harimau, mengaum (bunyi rimau)
Tapi saya kata,
Masuk kandang kambing, minta izin dari tuannya
Masuk kandang lembu, perah susunya
Masuk kandang harimau, cabut lari la
No matter where you are, just be yourself. You can grab any opportunity that comes to you, but always remember who you are. Be osmotic to all the things that will give benefits to you but express your repelling ability to all the things that will destroy you.
Gambar: Pengarang di rantau orang
Thursday, October 22, 2009
dress to impress!
I have one habit; when I walk on a street, I will look around. I will look at how people look like. How they dress, how they talk, what they read etc. When I look at a young man who wears oversize jacket, I will say this to my mind; "Dude, wear some slimmed-down clothes, and you will look more sophisticated". When I see a person talking to himself, my mind will respond "Is this guy crazy?".
One day, I saw an old man, 60++ yrs old perhaps. He was wearing a baggy denim short, a pair of skater's sneakers, a bold cap, a graffiti t-shirt and a skull-printed sweatshirt. He was like a high school boy who loves to break dance. He was wearing something that was waayyyy too young for him. Did he miss his teenage years? Or maybe break dance was not around when he was young. Then I knocked my head. I shouldn't judge someone based on his outer layer. I should go deep. I might miss something very important just by looking with bare eyes. But please old man, be real! It's not cool to look like a high school boy when wrinkles are all over your face.lol.
No matter what kind of crisis you are in, always look smart. You are not letting the outsiders to look down on you. They don't know you, so give them a good first impression. It's true that first impression is not all about the clothes. But it is true that you have to dress up appropriately when you go for an interview right?
I should snap a picture of that old man to better visualize how he looked like. Don't blame me for sounding like a 'divo' who knows everything well, because the other people around him also looked at him with disgrace.
One day, I saw an old man, 60++ yrs old perhaps. He was wearing a baggy denim short, a pair of skater's sneakers, a bold cap, a graffiti t-shirt and a skull-printed sweatshirt. He was like a high school boy who loves to break dance. He was wearing something that was waayyyy too young for him. Did he miss his teenage years? Or maybe break dance was not around when he was young. Then I knocked my head. I shouldn't judge someone based on his outer layer. I should go deep. I might miss something very important just by looking with bare eyes. But please old man, be real! It's not cool to look like a high school boy when wrinkles are all over your face.lol.
No matter what kind of crisis you are in, always look smart. You are not letting the outsiders to look down on you. They don't know you, so give them a good first impression. It's true that first impression is not all about the clothes. But it is true that you have to dress up appropriately when you go for an interview right?
I should snap a picture of that old man to better visualize how he looked like. Don't blame me for sounding like a 'divo' who knows everything well, because the other people around him also looked at him with disgrace.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
1. I first listened to this song last night at my university annual students drag show.
2. Highlight: 'Malaysia' is in the lyrics.
3. The singer is a drag performer. lol.
2. Highlight: 'Malaysia' is in the lyrics.
3. The singer is a drag performer. lol.
Everybody line up
The show is about to start
Places, the show is about to start
You have to show a look, have a look, or give a look
Faces, beautiful
No one ugly allowed
Are you ready? Here we go
Fashion is the art, designers are the gods
Models play the part of angels in the dark
Which one of you would ever dare to go against
That beauty is a trade and everyone is paid
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
New York, London, Paris, Milan
Tokyo, I think it's in Japan
Asia, Malaysia, Las Vegas to play
LA, if you pay my way
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
(Who you wearing?)
Sean John, Calvin Klein
Donna Karan's fashion line
Valentino, YSL
Ferragamo and Chanel
Holsten, Gucci, Figla, Rucci
Don't forget my Pucci
Fendi and Armani
God, I miss Gianni
Kenneth Cole, Michael Korrs
Mr. Ford I can't afford
D&G and BCBG
Looking good is never easy
Alexander Perkovich
Naomi Campbell such a bitch
I wanna be Delgada
To fit into my Prada
Oscar de la Renta
Louis Vuitton
Imitation of Christ, beauty has a price
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
What are you wearing?
The show is about to start
Places, the show is about to start
You have to show a look, have a look, or give a look
Faces, beautiful
No one ugly allowed
Are you ready? Here we go
Fashion is the art, designers are the gods
Models play the part of angels in the dark
Which one of you would ever dare to go against
That beauty is a trade and everyone is paid
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
New York, London, Paris, Milan
Tokyo, I think it's in Japan
Asia, Malaysia, Las Vegas to play
LA, if you pay my way
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
(Who you wearing?)
Sean John, Calvin Klein
Donna Karan's fashion line
Valentino, YSL
Ferragamo and Chanel
Holsten, Gucci, Figla, Rucci
Don't forget my Pucci
Fendi and Armani
God, I miss Gianni
Kenneth Cole, Michael Korrs
Mr. Ford I can't afford
D&G and BCBG
Looking good is never easy
Alexander Perkovich
Naomi Campbell such a bitch
I wanna be Delgada
To fit into my Prada
Oscar de la Renta
Louis Vuitton
Imitation of Christ, beauty has a price
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
Fashionista, how do you look?
What are you wearing?
Friday, October 9, 2009
Emak, ayah...I miss you both!
When the sun is shining,
We forget all the nightmares that make us trembling,
When the night is crawling in,
We forget to say 'thank you' to the moon for reflecting some faint light in.
We forget to look down when we see nothing but beautiful blue sky.
I talked to my friend yesterday,
He said; "Tomorrow is my mother's birthday",
I said; "I have nothing to give, except Al-Fatihah"
I know exactly how you feel,
I try to put myself in your shoes and yes, it's very painful.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,
Jika ibu bapaku ditakdirkan pergi dahulu sebelum ku,
Izinkan mereka pergi di ribaanku,
Jika aku ditakdirkan pergi dahulu sebelum mereka,
Ambillah nyawaku ketika aku di pangkuan mereka.
Sesungguhnya tiada yang lebih berharga selain cintaMu dan kasih mereka.
Panjangkan umur mereka, berikan mereka kesihatan. Ameen.
We forget all the nightmares that make us trembling,
When the night is crawling in,
We forget to say 'thank you' to the moon for reflecting some faint light in.
We forget to look down when we see nothing but beautiful blue sky.
I talked to my friend yesterday,
He said; "Tomorrow is my mother's birthday",
I said; "I have nothing to give, except Al-Fatihah"
I know exactly how you feel,
I try to put myself in your shoes and yes, it's very painful.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,
Jika ibu bapaku ditakdirkan pergi dahulu sebelum ku,
Izinkan mereka pergi di ribaanku,
Jika aku ditakdirkan pergi dahulu sebelum mereka,
Ambillah nyawaku ketika aku di pangkuan mereka.
Sesungguhnya tiada yang lebih berharga selain cintaMu dan kasih mereka.
Panjangkan umur mereka, berikan mereka kesihatan. Ameen.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I watched this on9, but still...I gave a standing ovation!
She 'wow'ed me.
She might lip-sync some lines.
But who cares?
This show was performed during vma mtv 2009 award.
Since the video above is not viewable for those who are in Malaysia, I attached another video. yang ni performance Pink during her Funhouse tour. lebih kurangla mcm show kat vma. enjoy
She 'wow'ed me.
She might lip-sync some lines.
But who cares?
This show was performed during vma mtv 2009 award.
Since the video above is not viewable for those who are in Malaysia, I attached another video. yang ni performance Pink during her Funhouse tour. lebih kurangla mcm show kat vma. enjoy
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Jeritan batinku
Jeritan Batin Ku versi P.Ramlee
Oh! Jeritan batinku
Namamu selalu
Sehari kurasa sebulan
Hatiku tiada tertahan
Ku pandang kiri
Ku pandang kanan
Di kau tiada...
Jeritan Batin Ku versi moden
Oh! Jeritan batinku
Namamu selalu
Sehari kurasa sebulan
Hatiku tiada tertahan
Ku pandang kiri
Ku pandang kanan
Di kau tiada...
Jeritan Batin Ku versi moden
oo yeah..ah ah
ah ah aaahh
oo yeah..aaahh
ah ah yeah
p/s: sila nyanyi mengikut nafsu yang betul!
best plak lagu ni
best plak lagu ni
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Aidilfitri: A trivia.
Fasting month was over. Devils were 'bailed out', but they wouldn't regret.
Ramadan was over. Meals on midday, but money squeezes my tummy.
Hari Raya: baju raya, kuih raya, duit raya, lagu raya, iklan raya, kad raya....kitab immunology.
My Raya celebration?
was simple, yet fun! Attended four 'so-called-open-houses' just in one day. The next day:Open-mangkok-tandas.
Orang selalu cuti sekolah untuk raya, aku cuti raya untuk sekolah dan peperiksaan!
Weekends ni, sambung raya sebab cuti sekolah.
p/s: The following sentences are not trivial!
I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you "SELAMAT HARI RAYA". May this raya bring a lot more joy and happiness. Have a good one!
Maaf zahir dan batin.
Fasting month was over. Devils were 'bailed out', but they wouldn't regret.
Ramadan was over. Meals on midday, but money squeezes my tummy.
Hari Raya: baju raya, kuih raya, duit raya, lagu raya, iklan raya, kad raya....kitab immunology.
My Raya celebration?
was simple, yet fun! Attended four 'so-called-open-houses' just in one day. The next day:
Orang selalu cuti sekolah untuk raya, aku cuti raya untuk sekolah dan peperiksaan!
Weekends ni, sambung raya sebab cuti sekolah.
p/s: The following sentences are not trivial!
I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and everyone of you "SELAMAT HARI RAYA". May this raya bring a lot more joy and happiness. Have a good one!
Maaf zahir dan batin.
Gambar: kawan sekampung
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
gila-gila raya
Dua tahun lepas dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya,
Buka TV, "Kami mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri..." Iklan raya Petronas, TM dan
Tahun lepas dan tahun ini,
Buka TV, CSI, spongebob, E news tanpa sarikata BM menjadi tontonan. Buka Youtube, baru dapat tgk iklan raya tahun-tahun lepas.
Dua tahun lepas dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya,
Ayah mengajak kami sekeluarga keluar berbuka puasa dan membeli belah barangan persiapan untuk raya; baju baru, songkok, kain langsir...
Tahun lepas dan tahun ini,
Buka puasa tanpa bazar, beli belah macam untuk Krismas.
Dua tahun lepas dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya,
Dengarkan "Seloka Aidilfitri"..hanya di Hotfm..lebih hangat daripada biasa.
Tahun lepas dan tahun ini,
Nak dengar lagu raya? Download la...
Dua tahun lepas dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya,
Asal raya je cuti...sekolah, universiti, kerja..
Tahun lepas dan tahun ini,
Asal raya je kelas, exams, assignments...damn!
---Tahun ini, raya aku di raikan dengan 2 exams, non-motile E.coli research project, preparation for another 2 upcoming exams on the week after raya week, classes, labs and paper towels!!!!
Buka TV, "Kami mengucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri..." Iklan raya Petronas, TM dan
Tahun lepas dan tahun ini,
Buka TV, CSI, spongebob, E news tanpa sarikata BM menjadi tontonan. Buka Youtube, baru dapat tgk iklan raya tahun-tahun lepas.
Dua tahun lepas dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya,
Ayah mengajak kami sekeluarga keluar berbuka puasa dan membeli belah barangan persiapan untuk raya; baju baru, songkok, kain langsir...
Tahun lepas dan tahun ini,
Buka puasa tanpa bazar, beli belah macam untuk Krismas.
Dua tahun lepas dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya,
Dengarkan "Seloka Aidilfitri"..hanya di Hotfm..lebih hangat daripada biasa.
Tahun lepas dan tahun ini,
Nak dengar lagu raya? Download la...
Dua tahun lepas dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya,
Asal raya je cuti...sekolah, universiti, kerja..
Tahun lepas dan tahun ini,
Asal raya je kelas, exams, assignments...damn!
---Tahun ini, raya aku di raikan dengan 2 exams, non-motile E.coli research project, preparation for another 2 upcoming exams on the week after raya week, classes, labs and paper towels!!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
menu hari ini
seminggu sebelum turn aku masak...
"nanti nak masak tomyam campur la"
keesokan harinya...
"paste tomyam dah beli"
3 hari sebelum turn aku masak...
"nak letak sayur ape ek dalam tomyam nanti?young corn?cabbage?mushroom?tomato?"
sehari sebelum turn aku masak...
"eh eh, ada perencah segera la...ayam masak merah, boleh la wat menu berbuka esok"
hari ini, turn aku masak...
"ok kawan, hari ini kita makan special ok, sardin special! yeay!"
"nanti nak masak tomyam campur la"
keesokan harinya...
"paste tomyam dah beli"
3 hari sebelum turn aku masak...
"nak letak sayur ape ek dalam tomyam nanti?young corn?cabbage?mushroom?tomato?"
sehari sebelum turn aku masak...
"eh eh, ada perencah segera la...ayam masak merah, boleh la wat menu berbuka esok"
hari ini, turn aku masak...
"ok kawan, hari ini kita makan special ok, sardin special! yeay!"
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
room inspection
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
1. Lets have a quick tour to my new room. Dah 2 minggu aku menetap di kediaman yang baharu. Puas hati! Bayar lebih dapat lebih la kan. Pay less for nothing!
Terima kasih kepada JPA kerana bg duit lebih.
Cukupla untuk beli langsir ye. Sejadah jgn di lupa,
walau di mana berada, yang wajib tetap wajib.
Di sebalik langsir tu sebenarnya adalah closet aku.
Belakang pintu jd tempat gantung2.
Kadang2, seluar kecik pon tergantung kat situ.comel kan.
Meja belajar. Aku tido
Gambar hiasan: hiasan dinding kamar guwe
1. Lets have a quick tour to my new room. Dah 2 minggu aku menetap di kediaman yang baharu. Puas hati! Bayar lebih dapat lebih la kan. Pay less for nothing!
Cukupla untuk beli langsir ye. Sejadah jgn di lupa,
walau di mana berada, yang wajib tetap wajib.
Belakang pintu jd tempat gantung2.
Kadang2, seluar kecik pon tergantung kat situ.comel kan.
2. Begitulah keadaan bilik aku semasa gambar diambil. Bukan lepas itu, keadaan bilik tunggang terbalik ye, cuma mungkin lain sikit.
3. Bought a ticket to The Fray concert. I have few more weeks to study their songs. Kene skip terawih la nampaknya. Persoalannya, tak pernah skip ke? The event will be held on September 21, 2009. Time raya beb!
4. Sape ade duit lebih, silalah sumbangkan ke dalam tabung aku, aku tak mampu nak beli dslr. Yeah, I'm craving for one!
3. Bought a ticket to The Fray concert. I have few more weeks to study their songs. Kene skip terawih la nampaknya. Persoalannya, tak pernah skip ke? The event will be held on September 21, 2009. Time raya beb!
4. Sape ade duit lebih, silalah sumbangkan ke dalam tabung aku, aku tak mampu nak beli dslr. Yeah, I'm craving for one!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Merdeka kah saya?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saya tidak pergi ke klcc atau dataran merdeka malam 31ogos.
Merdeka kah saya?
Saya tidak pergi ke masjid untuk solat hajat dan bacaan yassin.
Merdeka kah saya?
Saya tidak melaungkan 'Merdeka' walaupun sekali.
Merdeka kah saya?
Saya tidak mengibarkan Jalur Gemilang di kereta mahupun di rumah.
Merdeka kah saya?
Saya tidak lagi menyanyikan lagu Negaraku di awal pagi sesi pembelajaran.
Merdeka kah saya?
Tapi ada satu perkara yang saya pasti,
Walaupun berada di negara yang jauh lebih maju dari Malaysia, saya tidak pernah rasa nikmat bahagia seperti bahagia yang saya rasa ketika berada di negara saya, Malaysia.
Malaysia rumah saya, tempat hati saya kenal erti cinta.
Saya tidak pergi ke klcc atau dataran merdeka malam 31ogos.
Merdeka kah saya?
Saya tidak pergi ke masjid untuk solat hajat dan bacaan yassin.
Merdeka kah saya?
Saya tidak melaungkan 'Merdeka' walaupun sekali.
Merdeka kah saya?
Saya tidak mengibarkan Jalur Gemilang di kereta mahupun di rumah.
Merdeka kah saya?
Saya tidak lagi menyanyikan lagu Negaraku di awal pagi sesi pembelajaran.
Merdeka kah saya?
Tapi ada satu perkara yang saya pasti,
Walaupun berada di negara yang jauh lebih maju dari Malaysia, saya tidak pernah rasa nikmat bahagia seperti bahagia yang saya rasa ketika berada di negara saya, Malaysia.
Malaysia rumah saya, tempat hati saya kenal erti cinta.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Update dan mari berjimat
Friday, August 21, 2009
1. Moved in to a new apartment. I'm satisfied. Except..there will be no more jiran-jiran sekampung. Still in the process of cleaning up the mess.
2. I went to RIT, Niagara Falls and Boston for a 'homeless-strives-for-a-trip' vacation. It was awesome. I would recommend everyone to go to Boston. Believe me, you're gonna love it.
3. Received a new lappy. Bought it at a cheap price. Great deal. So far, it works well.
4. Classes start on Monday the 24th. Yet, I'm not excited.
Iklan kejap:
- For those who are studying in the States and thinking of saving some dollars, you are encouraged to apply a 'student advantage' card.
- I've tried using the card, and it really works. You can start saving on everything you need from pizza, textbooks, laptops, flight tickets, hotels, car rentals and everything in between.
1. Moved in to a new apartment. I'm satisfied. Except..there will be no more jiran-jiran sekampung. Still in the process of cleaning up the mess.
2. I went to RIT, Niagara Falls and Boston for a 'homeless-strives-for-a-trip' vacation. It was awesome. I would recommend everyone to go to Boston. Believe me, you're gonna love it.
3. Received a new lappy. Bought it at a cheap price. Great deal. So far, it works well.
4. Classes start on Monday the 24th. Yet, I'm not excited.
Iklan kejap:
- For those who are studying in the States and thinking of saving some dollars, you are encouraged to apply a 'student advantage' card.
- I've tried using the card, and it really works. You can start saving on everything you need from pizza, textbooks, laptops, flight tickets, hotels, car rentals and everything in between.
- If you are interested, klik kat link iklan 'studentadvantage' kat side bar blog ini.------>>>
- Registration is easy and safe.Tuesday, August 11, 2009
aku pulang...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
1. I'll depart to JFK on Aug 13th at 9.25am. I'm going back to the States not for a luxurious vacation, not even for an affordable 3D2N holiday package, but for an intention of continuing my study for a bachelor degree.
2. It's definitely hard to say 'goodbye', apparently, harder than singing Mariah's 'Bye Bye Bye'. Will be back in the midst of 2011, insyaAllah.
3. Thanks to semua yang temankan aku semasa cuti aku kat Malaysia ni, especially Ehsan dan Shami, tq sbb bagi aku lepak kat kolej korang.
4. I'm gonna miss everything and everyone in Malaysia. I guess, I won't be able to update my blog for a few days. Bakal kematu dalam kapal terbang nanti.
----bye bye----
1. I'll depart to JFK on Aug 13th at 9.25am. I'm going back to the States not for a luxurious vacation, not even for an affordable 3D2N holiday package, but for an intention of continuing my study for a bachelor degree.
2. It's definitely hard to say 'goodbye', apparently, harder than singing Mariah's 'Bye Bye Bye'. Will be back in the midst of 2011, insyaAllah.
3. Thanks to semua yang temankan aku semasa cuti aku kat Malaysia ni, especially Ehsan dan Shami, tq sbb bagi aku lepak kat kolej korang.
4. I'm gonna miss everything and everyone in Malaysia. I guess, I won't be able to update my blog for a few days. Bakal kematu dalam kapal terbang nanti.
----bye bye----
Friday, August 7, 2009
Apek oh apek
Saturday, August 08, 2009
1. Semalam aku naik bas dari rumah ke Shah Alam. Bas tu crowded jugak la dengan orang-orang yang nak pergi kerja.
2. Sampai kat 1 traffic light ni (lampu tgh merah), ada seorang warga emas berbangsa cina tekan loceng. Aku ingat dia nak turun kat next stop la, rupa2nya dia nak turun kat traffic light tu jugak. Apek tu pergi kat driver untuk meminta izin untuk turun:
"Boleh tak saya tulun (turun) sikijap (sekejap), mahu kincing (kencing)"
3. Aku ketawa kecil. Pemandu bas pon buka lah pintu. Apek tu turun dan pergi ke bahu jalan. Kat situ ada banner besar, apek tu pon memancutlah di sebalik banner itu sambil disaksikan puluhan penumpang bas pada ketika itu. Ada yang ketawa, ada yang cakap "euhh", "astaghfirullah". Aku xcakap ape2, aku cume berbisik dlm hati :
"Go apek, go apek" seiring dengan derasnya air kincing yg mengalir.
4. Lepas siap qada' hajat, apek tu masuk balik dlm bas. Lampu trafik pon bertukar hijau. Aku rasa macam nak tepuk tangan sambil wat standing ovation je time tu. Itulah kenangan yang saya tak dapat lupakan sehari semalam.
1. Semalam aku naik bas dari rumah ke Shah Alam. Bas tu crowded jugak la dengan orang-orang yang nak pergi kerja.
2. Sampai kat 1 traffic light ni (lampu tgh merah), ada seorang warga emas berbangsa cina tekan loceng. Aku ingat dia nak turun kat next stop la, rupa2nya dia nak turun kat traffic light tu jugak. Apek tu pergi kat driver untuk meminta izin untuk turun:
"Boleh tak saya tulun (turun) sikijap (sekejap), mahu kincing (kencing)"
3. Aku ketawa kecil. Pemandu bas pon buka lah pintu. Apek tu turun dan pergi ke bahu jalan. Kat situ ada banner besar, apek tu pon memancutlah di sebalik banner itu sambil disaksikan puluhan penumpang bas pada ketika itu. Ada yang ketawa, ada yang cakap "euhh", "astaghfirullah". Aku xcakap ape2, aku cume berbisik dlm hati :
"Go apek, go apek" seiring dengan derasnya air kincing yg mengalir.
4. Lepas siap qada' hajat, apek tu masuk balik dlm bas. Lampu trafik pon bertukar hijau. Aku rasa macam nak tepuk tangan sambil wat standing ovation je time tu. Itulah kenangan yang saya tak dapat lupakan sehari semalam.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Une, rende'...1Malaysia
Monday, August 3, 2009
1. Malam semalam, saya bersama ibu ayah dan adik pergi ke tesco utk membeli sedikit barang. Dalam perjalanan balik, ayah nampak sebuah kereta proton wira yang padat dgn penumpang. Mereka berketurunan india.
2. Ayah mengomel dengan gaya percakapan masyarakat india, "$%^@**()!@!". Saya pon terpinga-pinga. Kenapalah bapak aku ni. Pastu ayah cakap:
"Kalau orang cina beli kereta, diorang tanya: berapa bole speed?"
"Kalau melayu beli kereta, diorang tanya: banyak mkn minyak tak?"
"Tapi kalau india beli kereta, diorang akan tanya: ni berapa orang bole muat?"
3. We burst out laughing. Then my father continued speaking in 'tamil'. My mother couldn't stop laughing. I congratulated my father for bringing up that idea. Splendid one, indeed. LOL
---i changed my blog name again
1. Malam semalam, saya bersama ibu ayah dan adik pergi ke tesco utk membeli sedikit barang. Dalam perjalanan balik, ayah nampak sebuah kereta proton wira yang padat dgn penumpang. Mereka berketurunan india.
2. Ayah mengomel dengan gaya percakapan masyarakat india, "$%^@**()!@!". Saya pon terpinga-pinga. Kenapalah bapak aku ni. Pastu ayah cakap:
"Kalau orang cina beli kereta, diorang tanya: berapa bole speed?"
"Kalau melayu beli kereta, diorang tanya: banyak mkn minyak tak?"
"Tapi kalau india beli kereta, diorang akan tanya: ni berapa orang bole muat?"
3. We burst out laughing. Then my father continued speaking in 'tamil'. My mother couldn't stop laughing. I congratulated my father for bringing up that idea. Splendid one, indeed. LOL
---i changed my blog name again
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa
Friday, July 31, 2009
Budak skola: Cikgu, kenapa 'bahasa itu jiwa bangsa'?
Cikgu bio: sebab sesebuah bangsa perlukan bahasa untuk memartabatkan identiti bangsa itu,
tanpa bahasa, manusia tak dapat berkomunikasi.
Budak skola: Komunikasi tu apa cikgu?
Cikgu bio: Komunikasi tu macam cakap lah
Budak skola: Kalau macam tu, bahasa melayu tu jiwa bangsa kita la cikgu?
Cikgu bio: Yela
Budak skola: Camna ngan org bisu cikgu?
Cikgu bio: Kalau org bisu tu melayu, bahasa melayu la jiwa bangsa nya, kalau cina, cinala, kalau india, indiala
Budak skola: ooh, saya ingatkan bahasa isyarat jiwa bangsa diorang
Budak skola: Cikgu, kenapa 'bahasa itu jiwa bangsa'?
Cikgu bio: sebab sesebuah bangsa perlukan bahasa untuk memartabatkan identiti bangsa itu,
tanpa bahasa, manusia tak dapat berkomunikasi.
Budak skola: Komunikasi tu apa cikgu?
Cikgu bio: Komunikasi tu macam cakap lah
Budak skola: Kalau macam tu, bahasa melayu tu jiwa bangsa kita la cikgu?
Cikgu bio: Yela
Budak skola: Camna ngan org bisu cikgu?
Cikgu bio: Kalau org bisu tu melayu, bahasa melayu la jiwa bangsa nya, kalau cina, cinala, kalau india, indiala
Budak skola: ooh, saya ingatkan bahasa isyarat jiwa bangsa diorang
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
1. Kelmarin saya dan fitri pergi Pavillion KL utk tengok Harry Potter. Mula-mula nak pergi klcc tp pavillion nye cinema mcm lg best kan..so pergilah kami ke pavi menaiki rapidkl dan monorail.
2. Sampai sana terus beli tiket. Pastu kitorang mkn kat The Loaf. Masuk je restoran tu, ada bau roti yang sgt sedap. Terus bertambah selera nak mkn.
3. The Loaf berkonsepkan Japanese bakery and bistro. Fitri ckp, owner bistro ni Tun Mahathir. The best The Loaf is in Langkawi yang mana seafoodnya fresh dan settingnya sgt indah. Itu kata fitri la. Aku iyakan aje. Kitorg order la beberapa mknn. Mmg sedap!

4. Lepas siap mkn, terus gi cinema and tgk Harry Potter. Aku xfollow pon Harry Potter ni (call me loser or ape2 je.aku jenis xfollow org.aku suka ape yg aku suke.n aku xsemestinya suke ape yg org lain suke), so aku xfaham sgt cerita tu.Tapi enjoy jela kan.

5. Lepas tu, we headed to a bookstore sbb aku teringin nak beli novel. Setelah puas menelaah sinopsis, aku pon beli Shopaholic Abroad. Lagipon aku da tgk Confession of a Shopaholic, so xsusahla nak faham nnti. Shopaholic Abroad ni continuation of Confession of a Shopaholic.
6. Lepas tu, kitorg window shopping jap and bergambar sikit. Pastu kitorg pon balikla rumah.
1. Kelmarin saya dan fitri pergi Pavillion KL utk tengok Harry Potter. Mula-mula nak pergi klcc tp pavillion nye cinema mcm lg best kan..so pergilah kami ke pavi menaiki rapidkl dan monorail.
2. Sampai sana terus beli tiket. Pastu kitorang mkn kat The Loaf. Masuk je restoran tu, ada bau roti yang sgt sedap. Terus bertambah selera nak mkn.
3. The Loaf berkonsepkan Japanese bakery and bistro. Fitri ckp, owner bistro ni Tun Mahathir. The best The Loaf is in Langkawi yang mana seafoodnya fresh dan settingnya sgt indah. Itu kata fitri la. Aku iyakan aje. Kitorg order la beberapa mknn. Mmg sedap!

4. Lepas siap mkn, terus gi cinema and tgk Harry Potter. Aku xfollow pon Harry Potter ni (call me loser or ape2 je.aku jenis xfollow org.aku suka ape yg aku suke.n aku xsemestinya suke ape yg org lain suke), so aku xfaham sgt cerita tu.Tapi enjoy jela kan.

5. Lepas tu, we headed to a bookstore sbb aku teringin nak beli novel. Setelah puas menelaah sinopsis, aku pon beli Shopaholic Abroad. Lagipon aku da tgk Confession of a Shopaholic, so xsusahla nak faham nnti. Shopaholic Abroad ni continuation of Confession of a Shopaholic.
6. Lepas tu, kitorg window shopping jap and bergambar sikit. Pastu kitorg pon balikla rumah.
Happy birthday!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Amir, as i promised, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Sorry lambat wish
Sorry xde present
Sorry xde card
Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki
Jgn stress2 ok
Remember this: You would never know happiness if you never experience downs! Downs are normal, it's just how we cope with those. And you always know that I'm always here whenever you need someone to talk to
Amir, as i promised, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Sorry lambat wish
Sorry xde present
Sorry xde card
Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki
Jgn stress2 ok
Remember this: You would never know happiness if you never experience downs! Downs are normal, it's just how we cope with those. And you always know that I'm always here whenever you need someone to talk to
beautifully imperfect...a tribute
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
1. I read some stories about Yasmin Ahmad through the internet and I found that she also made few Singapore TV commercials (I only found two, but I couldn't confirm whether they were just two commercials, so I just put 'few') and one of them was 'funeral'.
2. I searched 'funeral' on Youtube and here it is:
3. I love this phrase; an excerpt from the wife's heartrending yet inspirational speech:
"In the end, it's this small thing that you remember...the little imperfections that make them perfect for you".
4. The commercial convinces me that she was an ingenious 'artwork manufacturer'. Perhaps, she was the most outstanding director in Malaysia. She didn't work a thing as if it was a 'common work' that she would be paid with $$$. She did every work; either film or commercial as a noble way to convey some values. In other word, she really 'worked' it.
5. I guess you guys should also check out her another Singapore TV commercial entitled 'Family'.
May Yasmin Ahmad rest in peace...you'll surely be missed.
1. I read some stories about Yasmin Ahmad through the internet and I found that she also made few Singapore TV commercials (I only found two, but I couldn't confirm whether they were just two commercials, so I just put 'few') and one of them was 'funeral'.
2. I searched 'funeral' on Youtube and here it is:
3. I love this phrase; an excerpt from the wife's heartrending yet inspirational speech:
"In the end, it's this small thing that you remember...the little imperfections that make them perfect for you".
4. The commercial convinces me that she was an ingenious 'artwork manufacturer'. Perhaps, she was the most outstanding director in Malaysia. She didn't work a thing as if it was a 'common work' that she would be paid with $$$. She did every work; either film or commercial as a noble way to convey some values. In other word, she really 'worked' it.
5. I guess you guys should also check out her another Singapore TV commercial entitled 'Family'.
May Yasmin Ahmad rest in peace...you'll surely be missed.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Kucing Parsi
Monday, July 26, 2009
1. I went to Sunway Pyramid last saturday for an ice skating with Ehsan, Shami and Rahmah. We had a lot of fun. We talked and we also stalked! We were also hoping that there were some sexy eyes looking at our skill on the ice rink.

2. I always love the restrooms at Sunway Pyramid. Clean and absolutely gorgeous. I bet the cleaners are hardworking..segigih hamba2 yang buat piramid kat Egypt.

3. Saturday Nite: Slept over at 4th college, UM. Joined their program with the 1st year students. I adore their spirit.
4. Diarrhea...euhh. kesan sampingan stomachache on friday kot. Feel so much better now. I vow not to eat like a pig again.never.
5. My sincere condolence to Yasmin Ahmad's family and fans. I admit that she was a brilliant filmmaker and a creative director. We will miss her touch of art in tv commercials during raya and independence day.
1. I went to Sunway Pyramid last saturday for an ice skating with Ehsan, Shami and Rahmah. We had a lot of fun. We talked and we also stalked! We were also hoping that there were some sexy eyes looking at our skill on the ice rink.

2. I always love the restrooms at Sunway Pyramid. Clean and absolutely gorgeous. I bet the cleaners are hardworking..segigih hamba2 yang buat piramid kat Egypt.

3. Saturday Nite: Slept over at 4th college, UM. Joined their program with the 1st year students. I adore their spirit.
4. Diarrhea...euhh. kesan sampingan stomachache on friday kot. Feel so much better now. I vow not to eat like a pig again.never.
5. My sincere condolence to Yasmin Ahmad's family and fans. I admit that she was a brilliant filmmaker and a creative director. We will miss her touch of art in tv commercials during raya and independence day.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday, July 24, 20095
Sorry ye, entry ni berbaur kejijikan sedikit. Tapi kalau mahu baca juga, silalah, saya tak pernah kisah. Dah beberapa malam perut saya buat hal, asyik penuh dgn angin aka kembung. Tiap2 malam jugalah saya sapu minyak angin kat atas perut saya yg berotot tu (otot-singular, otot2-plural). Tapi hari ini, perut saya meragam lain mcm. mcm mana tu? Mcm sampai pening2 dan rasa loya. Pastu mak saya yg pandai mengurut, offer untuk urut perut berotot saya. Memang sakit.
Mak: "Ini perut ke tong drum?"
Saya: "Tong sampah"
Mak pun urut tanpa belas kasihan. Lepas siap urut, perut saya memulas dgn ganas. Loya dan toya. Saya bergegas ke tandas. Sampai je tandas; "bluwekkk". Benda paling saya xsuka; saya muntah. Banyak pulak tu, tp xmuntah makanan, cuma keluar air kopi yang saya minum pagi td. Sekarang dah dua kali saya gi tandas dan muntah. Muntah kali kedua mmg dahsyat. Byk gila keluar. Nasib baik air...kalau makanan lagi perit.
Mak: "Biar muntah, biar keluar semua angin2 tu"
Saya: "Ok"
Saya dah xde mood. Harap2 by tonight ok perut saya. Kalau xok, kenalah pegi jumpa doktor. Kalau xok juga, saya nak mkn kfc puas2.

p/s: jgn muntah lps baca ni ok, kalau muntah...tahniah, jaga kandungan elok2 ok.
Off to tandas.
Sorry ye, entry ni berbaur kejijikan sedikit. Tapi kalau mahu baca juga, silalah, saya tak pernah kisah. Dah beberapa malam perut saya buat hal, asyik penuh dgn angin aka kembung. Tiap2 malam jugalah saya sapu minyak angin kat atas perut saya yg berotot tu (otot-singular, otot2-plural). Tapi hari ini, perut saya meragam lain mcm. mcm mana tu? Mcm sampai pening2 dan rasa loya. Pastu mak saya yg pandai mengurut, offer untuk urut perut berotot saya. Memang sakit.
Mak: "Ini perut ke tong drum?"
Saya: "Tong sampah"
Mak pun urut tanpa belas kasihan. Lepas siap urut, perut saya memulas dgn ganas. Loya dan toya. Saya bergegas ke tandas. Sampai je tandas; "bluwekkk". Benda paling saya xsuka; saya muntah. Banyak pulak tu, tp xmuntah makanan, cuma keluar air kopi yang saya minum pagi td. Sekarang dah dua kali saya gi tandas dan muntah. Muntah kali kedua mmg dahsyat. Byk gila keluar. Nasib baik air...kalau makanan lagi perit.
Mak: "Biar muntah, biar keluar semua angin2 tu"
Saya: "Ok"
Saya dah xde mood. Harap2 by tonight ok perut saya. Kalau xok, kenalah pegi jumpa doktor. Kalau xok juga, saya nak mkn kfc puas2.

p/s: jgn muntah lps baca ni ok, kalau muntah...tahniah, jaga kandungan elok2 ok.
Off to tandas.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
haji bakhil
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Malam tadi sejuk sebab hujan
Siang ni pulak, panas nyerr
Kenapa xhujan siang2 ni?
I started to think about US
Because M'sia is hot!
But when the weather was getting super cold
I started to think about M'sia
Manusia xpernah bersyukur
Walaupun sesuatu tu dah perfect
Manusia tetap merungut
Manusia manusia
---Tapi aku bkn manusia itu.Habis tu sape manusia tu?engko la
Malam tadi sejuk sebab hujan
Siang ni pulak, panas nyerr
Kenapa xhujan siang2 ni?
I started to think about US
Because M'sia is hot!
But when the weather was getting super cold
I started to think about M'sia
Manusia xpernah bersyukur
Walaupun sesuatu tu dah perfect
Manusia tetap merungut
Manusia manusia
---Tapi aku bkn manusia itu.Habis tu sape manusia tu?engko la
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Malam ini hujan
Malam semalam hujan
Malam esok hujan jugakah?
Kalau hujan berhenti
Katak pon bunyi..ong ong
Kenapa orang selalu cakap
Suara tak sedap macam katak?
Bila aku dengar betul2
Ye lah, suara katak sengau
Seronok kalau malam2 hujan
Tidur pon sejuk...stim dan nyaman
Tapi kalau hujan di siang hari
Potong stimla hujan ni
Hujan dah berhenti
Aku baru sedar diri
Maka terdengarlah suara sengau katak2
*Pic credit to http://rxwildlife.org.uk/images/marsh%20frog.jpg
Malam ini hujan
Malam semalam hujan
Malam esok hujan jugakah?
Kalau hujan berhenti
Katak pon bunyi..ong ong
Kenapa orang selalu cakap
Suara tak sedap macam katak?
Bila aku dengar betul2
Ye lah, suara katak sengau
Seronok kalau malam2 hujan
Tidur pon sejuk...stim dan nyaman
Tapi kalau hujan di siang hari
Potong stimla hujan ni
Hujan dah berhenti
Aku baru sedar diri
Maka terdengarlah suara sengau katak2
*Pic credit to http://rxwildlife.org.uk/images/marsh%20frog.jpg
Monday, July 20, 2009
Tummy trim
Monday, July 20, 2009
Malam ini, perut saya sakit, bahasa jawa org panggil sebu, saya letak minyak angin, memang byk angin keluar dari...mulut saya, bkn kentut ok.
Tadi mak masuk bilik saya, mak terbau minyak angin cap kapak dan mak dengar saya asyik bersendawa.
"Sakit perut ke?" tanya emak.
"Ha ah, macam byk angin" jawab saya spontan.
"Kenapa boleh sakit perut pulak?" tanya mak lagi tanpa memahami penderitaan saya.
"Mak masak TAK SEDAP" jawab saya dengan nada berseloroh.
Kami pon ketawa secara berjemaah. Padahal, aku yang melantak semua lauk yang mak masak. Inilah akibatnya orang yang suka melantak mcm saya. PADAN MUKA.
Di akhir ketawa kami, mak berkata "ANAK DERHAKA, hahaha"
Kami ketawa lagi.
Malam ini, perut saya sakit, bahasa jawa org panggil sebu, saya letak minyak angin, memang byk angin keluar dari...mulut saya, bkn kentut ok.
Tadi mak masuk bilik saya, mak terbau minyak angin cap kapak dan mak dengar saya asyik bersendawa.
"Sakit perut ke?" tanya emak.
"Ha ah, macam byk angin" jawab saya spontan.
"Kenapa boleh sakit perut pulak?" tanya mak lagi tanpa memahami penderitaan saya.
"Mak masak TAK SEDAP" jawab saya dengan nada berseloroh.
Kami pon ketawa secara berjemaah. Padahal, aku yang melantak semua lauk yang mak masak. Inilah akibatnya orang yang suka melantak mcm saya. PADAN MUKA.
Di akhir ketawa kami, mak berkata "ANAK DERHAKA, hahaha"
Kami ketawa lagi.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Mad cows
Friday, July 17, 2009
I was looking at some old pictures stored in a folder named 'F.R.I.E.N.D' and I found this:

Amir, I just realized that we are not just friend..but we are 2 crazy folks.
Sorang pendek (xpendek sgt), sorang tinggi (tinggi gila)
Sorang gebu, sorang kurus melalang
Sorang putih, sorang hitam...hahaha
Tapi dua-dua gila. Suka hati admit diri sendiri gila. erk
I guess I miss you, hope we could meet up in NYC nanti
I was looking at some old pictures stored in a folder named 'F.R.I.E.N.D' and I found this:
Amir, I just realized that we are not just friend..but we are 2 crazy folks.
Sorang pendek (xpendek sgt), sorang tinggi (tinggi gila)
Sorang gebu, sorang kurus melalang
Sorang putih, sorang hitam...hahaha
Tapi dua-dua gila. Suka hati admit diri sendiri gila. erk
I guess I miss you, hope we could meet up in NYC nanti
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Mrs. Bean
Friday, July 17, 2009
Masa kecik2 dulu, Mr. Bean used to be my favorite show. Tp bila mcm every episode dah penah tgk lebih 10 kali, bosan plak Mr. Bean ni. They should have more stories...so org xdela tgk cerita yang sama berulang-ulang kan..sampai bole hafal jalan cerita. But still, Mr.Bean is phenomenal. Sape yang xtau Mr.Bean mmg loser. I bet peminat Mr.Bean mesti ramai.
Bercakap pasal Mr.Bean, kat rumah aku ni ada sorg peminat Mr.Bean. Every morning dia bangun tido, dia akan ckp: "Nak tgk Missher Bean (Mr.Bean)". Kalau tv da on, dia akan grab the remote control and push '615' to switch the channel to Disney. Mmg slalunya Mr.Bean akan on air time dia tukar channel. Xkesahla Mr.Bean live action atau Mr.Bean animated series...dua2 dia blasah. Stiap kali die nak tgk tv, msti Missher bean yg dia tanya. Most of the stories dia da hafal..tp die still enjoy tgk.

Tula ragam anak buah aku yg perempuan, umur dia 4thn. Dia comel mcm pak langnya.hehe. We call her 'Yuyun' or sometimes 'kakak' because she's the eldest. Dia ade sorg adik lelaki yang mmg super naughty. Will talk about him dlm entry lain. To yuyun, I love you!
Masa kecik2 dulu, Mr. Bean used to be my favorite show. Tp bila mcm every episode dah penah tgk lebih 10 kali, bosan plak Mr. Bean ni. They should have more stories...so org xdela tgk cerita yang sama berulang-ulang kan..sampai bole hafal jalan cerita. But still, Mr.Bean is phenomenal. Sape yang xtau Mr.Bean mmg loser. I bet peminat Mr.Bean mesti ramai.
Bercakap pasal Mr.Bean, kat rumah aku ni ada sorg peminat Mr.Bean. Every morning dia bangun tido, dia akan ckp: "Nak tgk Missher Bean (Mr.Bean)". Kalau tv da on, dia akan grab the remote control and push '615' to switch the channel to Disney. Mmg slalunya Mr.Bean akan on air time dia tukar channel. Xkesahla Mr.Bean live action atau Mr.Bean animated series...dua2 dia blasah. Stiap kali die nak tgk tv, msti Missher bean yg dia tanya. Most of the stories dia da hafal..tp die still enjoy tgk.
Tula ragam anak buah aku yg perempuan, umur dia 4thn. Dia comel mcm pak langnya.hehe. We call her 'Yuyun' or sometimes 'kakak' because she's the eldest. Dia ade sorg adik lelaki yang mmg super naughty. Will talk about him dlm entry lain. To yuyun, I love you!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Ni merupakan entry yg ke-40
Tak sangka dah sampai 40 post aku
Walaupun sikit kalau nak dibandingkan dgn org lain..
tapi ok la bg ak yg malas dan selalu xde idea ni
Tadi aku tgk2 balik post2 aku sblm ni
Aku rasa aku masih xtau tema aku wat blog
Kadang2, blog ni tempat aku merepek je
Tapi xpela, yg penting aku ade benda nak wat time aku bosan
Hari ni 13hb...lagi sebulan cuti kat Malaysia, sedih plak da nak balik us
Pastu insyaAllah lg 2thn baru balik
Sabar jela...jalan ni yg aku pilih
Selamat bulan Julai semua...sebulan lebih lg kite puase ok
Ni merupakan entry yg ke-40
Tak sangka dah sampai 40 post aku
Walaupun sikit kalau nak dibandingkan dgn org lain..
tapi ok la bg ak yg malas dan selalu xde idea ni
Tadi aku tgk2 balik post2 aku sblm ni
Aku rasa aku masih xtau tema aku wat blog
Kadang2, blog ni tempat aku merepek je
Tapi xpela, yg penting aku ade benda nak wat time aku bosan
Hari ni 13hb...lagi sebulan cuti kat Malaysia, sedih plak da nak balik us
Pastu insyaAllah lg 2thn baru balik
Sabar jela...jalan ni yg aku pilih
Selamat bulan Julai semua...sebulan lebih lg kite puase ok
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Love Quotes (missing you edition)
Thursday, July 09, 2009
I'm in the mood of stocking up some fats for upcoming fall and winter.
I'm in the mood of covering myself from sunlight and hoping for a fairer skin.
I'm in the mood of indulging my lonely soul with some love quotes.
I'm in the mood of copying and pasting some quotes from some unknown sources.
Some phrases that caught my eyes:
"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."
"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."
"Tonight I resign myself to missing you for I know I have the rest of my life to wake up next to you."
"When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I'm with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you."
"I love you more than I miss you. If you put that in numbers, you will need more than just a computer."
"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." - Plato
"Love is like a mountain, hard to climb, but once you get to the top the view is beautiful." - Daniel Monroe Tuttle
Stuck at home.
I'm in the mood of stocking up some fats for upcoming fall and winter.
I'm in the mood of covering myself from sunlight and hoping for a fairer skin.
I'm in the mood of indulging my lonely soul with some love quotes.
I'm in the mood of copying and pasting some quotes from some unknown sources.
Some phrases that caught my eyes:
"Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss."
"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."
"Tonight I resign myself to missing you for I know I have the rest of my life to wake up next to you."
"When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I'm with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you."
"I love you more than I miss you. If you put that in numbers, you will need more than just a computer."
"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet." - Plato
"Love is like a mountain, hard to climb, but once you get to the top the view is beautiful." - Daniel Monroe Tuttle

Sunday, July 5, 2009
I always...
Monday: July 06, 2009

When I was young,
I always wanted to see the world as an adult, think about some serious issues without a lollipop in my cute mouth, have a cigarette under my sexy lips.
I always wanted to wear t-shirts without the printings of 'mickey mouse' on them, drive a nice car with a real engine, have some hairs on my chin.
I always wanted to hold a beautiful girl's hand, put a diamond ring on her finger and vow to protect her as long as God allows me to be her angel.
I always wanted to have my kids reading Cinderella books, watch some cool movies and breathe fresh breeze along a white sand beach with them by my side.
I always wanted...

When I was young,
I always wanted to see the world as an adult, think about some serious issues without a lollipop in my cute mouth, have a cigarette under my sexy lips.
I always wanted to wear t-shirts without the printings of 'mickey mouse' on them, drive a nice car with a real engine, have some hairs on my chin.
I always wanted to hold a beautiful girl's hand, put a diamond ring on her finger and vow to protect her as long as God allows me to be her angel.
I always wanted to have my kids reading Cinderella books, watch some cool movies and breathe fresh breeze along a white sand beach with them by my side.
I always wanted...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I was once in form one, and now i'm twenty-one
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 (hari tiket wayang murah kat M'sia)
I looked at a calender on my room's wall, and I saw 4 digits..
I did a simple calculation back in my head.
2009 - 1988 = 21.
I'm 21 this year. Sigh~
Thanks to Allah for giving me the chance to stay alive.
Last Sunday I went to my former school, SBPI Rawang aka Sepintar to attend a sharing program with my juniors, batch SPM09. Did I sound like an angel? I hope I did. I went there with my other fellow friends, Ehsan Ashraf, Shahmi, Ehsan Saleh, Azad Iqram, Muadz and Rahmah. It was actually a small reunion for us. Muadz with his fragrance collection, Rahmah with her 'gigi' story, Ehsan Saleh with his actuarial science. Esan acap, shami and azad...we already had an exciting reunion beforehand. A good one for sure.
The sharing was the main agenda but meeting with the juniors was a breathtaking experience. After like almost 4 years, I finally got the chance to meet them again. Masing-masing dah besar.
Teringat dulu time orientasi diorg in early 2005. Masing2 comel2 and kecik2 lagi. Time xbole blah ialah time OBH...kelakar giler, walaupun diorg sbnrnye tau yang hantu2 dan bunyi2an sume tu adelah artificial..sume feeling2 mcm real. Adela fasi2 yang kene blasah time tu ngn korg. haha.
Teringat dulu time aku form 1 kat sambest (2001). Time OBH gak telor amanah aku pecah..smpai bau telor seluar trek aku. Time tu pon aku mcm diorg, ditipu dgn senior2 yg ckp kitorg akan di bawa ke kubur cina. mmg cuak giler. dahla kene kluar sorg2. igt lg, final destination dlm obh tu ialah kubur yg ade pocong. spatutnye sume org akan t'kejut bile bukak penutup mata, sbb pocong b'diri depan mata..tp sbb ak da bukak kain tutp mata awal2..so xluruhla jantung aden tgk pocong tu.
That was my story which is now an unforgettable memory. Blues utk aku...


I looked at a calender on my room's wall, and I saw 4 digits..
I did a simple calculation back in my head.
2009 - 1988 = 21.
I'm 21 this year. Sigh~
Thanks to Allah for giving me the chance to stay alive.
Last Sunday I went to my former school, SBPI Rawang aka Sepintar to attend a sharing program with my juniors, batch SPM09. Did I sound like an angel? I hope I did. I went there with my other fellow friends, Ehsan Ashraf, Shahmi, Ehsan Saleh, Azad Iqram, Muadz and Rahmah. It was actually a small reunion for us. Muadz with his fragrance collection, Rahmah with her 'gigi' story, Ehsan Saleh with his actuarial science. Esan acap, shami and azad...we already had an exciting reunion beforehand. A good one for sure.
The sharing was the main agenda but meeting with the juniors was a breathtaking experience. After like almost 4 years, I finally got the chance to meet them again. Masing-masing dah besar.
Teringat dulu time orientasi diorg in early 2005. Masing2 comel2 and kecik2 lagi. Time xbole blah ialah time OBH...kelakar giler, walaupun diorg sbnrnye tau yang hantu2 dan bunyi2an sume tu adelah artificial..sume feeling2 mcm real. Adela fasi2 yang kene blasah time tu ngn korg. haha.
Teringat dulu time aku form 1 kat sambest (2001). Time OBH gak telor amanah aku pecah..smpai bau telor seluar trek aku. Time tu pon aku mcm diorg, ditipu dgn senior2 yg ckp kitorg akan di bawa ke kubur cina. mmg cuak giler. dahla kene kluar sorg2. igt lg, final destination dlm obh tu ialah kubur yg ade pocong. spatutnye sume org akan t'kejut bile bukak penutup mata, sbb pocong b'diri depan mata..tp sbb ak da bukak kain tutp mata awal2..so xluruhla jantung aden tgk pocong tu.
That was my story which is now an unforgettable memory. Blues utk aku...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
oh Malaysiaku yang indah
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Welcome back Shafar!
On May 19, I stepped again on the land of my beloved Malaysia. Alhamdulillah. Damn, Malaysia is freaking hot! But it is way better than having a life in an unbelievable cold winter. For those who are staying in the States for this summer, here are some cool stuff I get in Malaysia:
1. Cendol. Summer with a bowl of cendol is heaven!
2. Mom's cooking. Always tastes better.
3. Kuala Lumpur. NYC can't beat KL.never.
4. The true teh tarik and roti canai. Breakfast never taste good without those two.
5. Family. I should've put this on top of the list
Cuti ni, keje aku adalah:
1. Makan semua benda yang aku teringin mkn.
2. M'internet yg tak pantas.
3. Melayan kerenah anak2 buah.
4. Ronggeng2 kat kl.
5. Lepak ngan kawan2.
6. Dan sebagainya...
Welcome back Shafar!
On May 19, I stepped again on the land of my beloved Malaysia. Alhamdulillah. Damn, Malaysia is freaking hot! But it is way better than having a life in an unbelievable cold winter. For those who are staying in the States for this summer, here are some cool stuff I get in Malaysia:
1. Cendol. Summer with a bowl of cendol is heaven!
2. Mom's cooking. Always tastes better.
3. Kuala Lumpur. NYC can't beat KL.never.
4. The true teh tarik and roti canai. Breakfast never taste good without those two.
5. Family. I should've put this on top of the list
Cuti ni, keje aku adalah:
1. Makan semua benda yang aku teringin mkn.
2. M'internet yg tak pantas.
3. Melayan kerenah anak2 buah.
4. Ronggeng2 kat kl.
5. Lepak ngan kawan2.
6. Dan sebagainya...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Give me 20 days to update my blog!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Previous post: April 2
Latest post: April 22
Next post: ???
Current location: State College, PA
Next location: MALAYSIA!!!
yuhuu.kurang sebulan lg nak balik Malaysia
sgt gumbira nak b'jumpa keluarga, sanak saudara dan sahabat handai
sape nak ole2, angkat tgn!!!
Previous post: April 2
Latest post: April 22
Next post: ???
Current location: State College, PA
Next location: MALAYSIA!!!
yuhuu.kurang sebulan lg nak balik Malaysia
sgt gumbira nak b'jumpa keluarga, sanak saudara dan sahabat handai
sape nak ole2, angkat tgn!!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Confession of a 'photoholic' (angan-angan mat jenin)
Thursday, April 2, 2009.
Aduhai blogku yang anggun bergaya, patik minta ampun kerana sudah berkurun patik tidak kunjung. Bukan tidak mahu, cuma tidak berkesempatan.
I have no idea on what to write on this post. Hmmm, I think I want to make a confession. Jeng, jeng, jeng (this is not a prank show).I'm going to reveal my other interest and it's photography (booo). I'm not a photoholic not even an alcoholic but I consider photography as my interest simply because I enjoy it. Duhh...that's a fucking cute reason, ain't it?
You better believe me, or I'll call you looooserrr!!. Bajet bagus betol la aku ni. I would also like to post some of my work...ehem2, artwork actually.lol. credit to bashirah and azfar.



Aduhai blogku yang anggun bergaya, patik minta ampun kerana sudah berkurun patik tidak kunjung. Bukan tidak mahu, cuma tidak berkesempatan.
I have no idea on what to write on this post. Hmmm, I think I want to make a confession. Jeng, jeng, jeng (this is not a prank show).I'm going to reveal my other interest and it's photography (booo). I'm not a photoholic not even an alcoholic but I consider photography as my interest simply because I enjoy it. Duhh...that's a fucking cute reason, ain't it?
You better believe me, or I'll call you looooserrr!!. Bajet bagus betol la aku ni. I would also like to post some of my work...ehem2, artwork actually.lol. credit to bashirah and azfar.



Thursday, January 29, 2009
a dream while napping
if broken, considered sold
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bila kita jalan kat shopping complex atau pegi kedai-kedai yg ade jual barang-barang fragile, mesti kita nampak sign 'if broken, considered sold' ni...maknanya, kalau kita jatuhkan atau terjatuh masa kita ada kat situ, kita wajib membeli brg yang hancur musnah tu. Macam tak adil sebab tak kan kita saja2 nak jatuhkan barang tu kan dan apa kes nak beli barang yang dah pecah.
Camna plak dgn 'heart broken'? Considered sold jugak ke? Hmmm, no, no! Kalau hati dah dipatah riukkan, jangan harap nak menaruh harapan lagi. This is my humble opinion la...for me, kalau kita dah patahkan hati seseorang tu, tak perlu kita buat muka tak malu nak beli balik hati org tu, tak perlu la nak pujuk rayu...sebab bagi saye, "If a heart is broken, considered broken", it can be reassembled (cured), but not for the one who broke it, it's for someone who is going to hold it very carefully.
Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live" - Norman Cousins

Bila kita jalan kat shopping complex atau pegi kedai-kedai yg ade jual barang-barang fragile, mesti kita nampak sign 'if broken, considered sold' ni...maknanya, kalau kita jatuhkan atau terjatuh masa kita ada kat situ, kita wajib membeli brg yang hancur musnah tu. Macam tak adil sebab tak kan kita saja2 nak jatuhkan barang tu kan dan apa kes nak beli barang yang dah pecah.
Camna plak dgn 'heart broken'? Considered sold jugak ke? Hmmm, no, no! Kalau hati dah dipatah riukkan, jangan harap nak menaruh harapan lagi. This is my humble opinion la...for me, kalau kita dah patahkan hati seseorang tu, tak perlu kita buat muka tak malu nak beli balik hati org tu, tak perlu la nak pujuk rayu...sebab bagi saye, "If a heart is broken, considered broken", it can be reassembled (cured), but not for the one who broke it, it's for someone who is going to hold it very carefully.
Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live" - Norman Cousins
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thanks mr. taxi
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Taxi driver: I smell a fresh juicy orange in here.
We: Yeah, we ate tangerines just now
Isa: Do you want some?
Me: I got some if you want
Taxi driver: No, thanks. Fresh food isn't good for our health. We should eat more McDonald, Lays bla..bla...for a better life.
We: Hahaha. but why?
Taxi driver: because those things have preservatives that can make us live longer.
We: Hahahaha
It makes sense right? Preservatives can keep the food in a good condition for a long period of time. By the means of direct comparison, they can do the same to us right?
Tq mr. driver...you gave us a valuable knowledge!
Taxi driver: I smell a fresh juicy orange in here.
We: Yeah, we ate tangerines just now
Isa: Do you want some?
Me: I got some if you want
Taxi driver: No, thanks. Fresh food isn't good for our health. We should eat more McDonald, Lays bla..bla...for a better life.
We: Hahaha. but why?
Taxi driver: because those things have preservatives that can make us live longer.
We: Hahahaha
It makes sense right? Preservatives can keep the food in a good condition for a long period of time. By the means of direct comparison, they can do the same to us right?
Tq mr. driver...you gave us a valuable knowledge!
Friday, January 23, 2009
It's blogging time
Friday, January 23, 2009
Today is Friday,
Tomorrow is Saturday,
The day after tomorrow is Sunday,
It's wee~kend
Spring is a real hectic semester. This busy and fatiguing '17-weeks of learning process' will be a tiring point in my life. I will not be able to update my blog often, to have a long beauty sleep and to enjoy a fun leisure time. My time is packed with classes, lab sessions, work shifts at simmons, assignments, exams, quizzes, revisions, and bla...bla...bla.
Oh, my life is so...stereotyped
I realized that life is getting harder along with time. But the hardest the work we do, the better the life we could live in the future. Just be strong and take everything seriously but Shafar, don't forget to laugh!
Today is Friday,
Tomorrow is Saturday,
The day after tomorrow is Sunday,
It's wee~kend
Spring is a real hectic semester. This busy and fatiguing '17-weeks of learning process' will be a tiring point in my life. I will not be able to update my blog often, to have a long beauty sleep and to enjoy a fun leisure time. My time is packed with classes, lab sessions, work shifts at simmons, assignments, exams, quizzes, revisions, and bla...bla...bla.
Oh, my life is so...stereotyped
I realized that life is getting harder along with time. But the hardest the work we do, the better the life we could live in the future. Just be strong and take everything seriously but Shafar, don't forget to laugh!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
drooling when schooling
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Assalamualaikum semua,
Lama xupdate blog aku ni, sampai bau hapak dan hancing. Jan 12, spring semester dimulakan dengan penuh ghairah dan semangat yang berkobar-kobar walaupun cuaca sangat sejuk. Bak kata orang dulu-dulu, bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. Walaupun banyak cabaran, misi dan niat asal kita perlu diteruskan sebab Allah menjanjikan kejayaan bagi orang yang berusaha dan bertawakal kepadaNya. Azam spring semester aku antaranya:
1. Memberikan sepenuh perhatian dalam kelas.
2. Preview topik yang akan belajar sebelum kelas.
3. Ulangkaji setiap masa.
4. Latihan yang mencukupi.
5. Skor exam, quiz, assignment dan semua assessments yang wujud.
6. Tidak ponteng kelas.
7. 4.0 or atleast dean's list.
Tapi, semua ni kenalah diiringi dengan tawakal dan doa yang berterusan kepada Allah.
Harap-harap azam aku ni bukan 'pirrrraahhh' punye azam.
Kepada semua rakan2ku, semoga kalian berjaya dalam apa yang kalian usahakan. Amin
Assalamualaikum semua,
Lama xupdate blog aku ni, sampai bau hapak dan hancing. Jan 12, spring semester dimulakan dengan penuh ghairah dan semangat yang berkobar-kobar walaupun cuaca sangat sejuk. Bak kata orang dulu-dulu, bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. Walaupun banyak cabaran, misi dan niat asal kita perlu diteruskan sebab Allah menjanjikan kejayaan bagi orang yang berusaha dan bertawakal kepadaNya. Azam spring semester aku antaranya:
1. Memberikan sepenuh perhatian dalam kelas.
2. Preview topik yang akan belajar sebelum kelas.
3. Ulangkaji setiap masa.
4. Latihan yang mencukupi.
5. Skor exam, quiz, assignment dan semua assessments yang wujud.
6. Tidak ponteng kelas.
7. 4.0 or atleast dean's list.
Tapi, semua ni kenalah diiringi dengan tawakal dan doa yang berterusan kepada Allah.
Harap-harap azam aku ni bukan 'pirrrraahhh' punye azam.
Kepada semua rakan2ku, semoga kalian berjaya dalam apa yang kalian usahakan. Amin
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