Friday, July 17, 2009

Mad cows

Friday, July 17, 2009

I was looking at some old pictures stored in a folder named 'F.R.I.E.N.D' and I found this:

Amir, I just realized that we are not just friend..but we are 2 crazy folks.
Sorang pendek (xpendek sgt), sorang tinggi (tinggi gila)
Sorang gebu, sorang kurus melalang
Sorang putih, sorang hitam...hahaha
Tapi dua-dua gila. Suka hati admit diri sendiri gila. erk
I guess I miss you, hope we could meet up in NYC nanti


n a d y a said... sweet.bukan sng for guys to admit those kinda stuff kan. ;)

shafarshahril said...

we are a different type of guys
sbb tu kitorg sweet

EJAY said...

so sweet..
is that you in the picture?

shafarshahril said...

yeah..that's me..and amir

Anonymous said...

hahahahaa.. yes, we r CRAZY!! btw, suka hati ckp aku pak tam ek!! hahaha.. among all pics taken when i was in pennstate ari tue, that's my most fav pic!! proof of our craziness!! harap2 boleh la meronggeng kt nyc nanti, and pose mcm tue kt tgh2 times square crowd.. hahahahha ;))

shafarshahril said...

kite patut wat pose lucah kat statue of liberty skali

Mirae said... hagham tul gambar xleh blah!

FRM said...

owh my!

shafarshahril said...

frm: oh my GOSH? mcm cerita upik abu dan laura.comelnye frm mcm cinta laura.haha

darah bunga sahara said...

if la i can join u and amir.. len kalu kalau nk balik ajak sekali amir k..

boleh veronggeng sajor k

shafarshahril said...

ok..nxt year klu die balik, i nk balik gak..hehe