Thursday, November 13, 2008

new baby

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome to my life my new baby
I guess I did a crazy thing yesterday
But the craziness worth happiness
I bought a kitten from Animal Kingdom
He's so cute and gorgeous
It was kind of hard to choose
between him and another kitten
But I ended up with this cutey kitty

He has a name..Vogee
He is just a toy but he is my new bestfriend


Anonymous said...

OMG!! harap2 vogee x jd mcm momo.. haha..

shafarshahril said...

vogee sgt vogue
momo in memory~

Mirae said...

hahaha.aku dah penyek2 kan dia.oh yeay!!!

shafarshahril said...

mirae jht
nnti klu ko bli ak nk penyek2 kucing ko

Anonymous said...

kiut gile weh. kiut gileeeeeeeee

shafarshahril said...

tq inkylicious

darah bunga sahara said...

alahai..cute nyer..
mcm akak jer..ahahaha.. lucky to stay in such open minded country..
if u live in sepintar..
you will only get this phrase shafar..
haza syaiton..!!!

shafarshahril said...

esan...bkn haza syaiton
hazihi syaitonah

Anonymous said...

so cute!!
nk satu bleh..
hehehe.. :P