Sunday, November 29, 2009

the final countdown

Akhirnya, cuti selama seminggu telah dihabiskan dengan aktiviti-aktiviti yang kurang berfaedah. Esok bermulalah siri gambate kudasai selama 3 minggu berturut-turut. Selepas itu, duit bakal dihabiskan di pantai Miami, Universal Studio, DisneyWorld dan di mana jua tapak kaki menapak. Mengharapkan 3 minggu depan seperti 3 hari dan 3 minggu yang berikutnya seperti 3 bulan sekurang-kurangnya. 

Kepada semua geng bas sekolah, selamat menduduki peperiksaan akhir semester, walaupun sekarang dah mula sejuk, jgn lupa mandi sekurang-kurangnya 3hari sekali. (terma dan syarat tidak tertakluk kepada tuan empunya blog). Kepada rakan-rakan di tanahair, selamat bercuti kepada yg masih bersekolah, dan selamat mendapat bonus kepada yg sudah bekerja. Kepada yg tidak mendapat bonus, cari kerja lain ok.

 Aktiviti 1: Ice skating sambil buat muka selenge

Aktiviti 2: Bowling hampir 5jam dgn menggunakan identiti palsu

Sunday, November 22, 2009

3 am in the morning

These are all the things that I saw and I thought the past few days:

1. I saw my friend's wedding pictures and I thought of getting married. (tahniah Mas!)
2. I saw people carrying their luggages heading to a bus station and I thought of going back home
3. I saw some cool stuff and I thought of owning them
4. I saw small kids walking on a sidewalk with their guardians and I thought of my kid's years
5. I saw an elderly couple holding hands and I thought of my future

AND I saw a blind guy crossing a street and I thought...will I ever think of everything that I've been thinking all this while without the ability to see? I wish I were able to know how blind people feel the happiness just by seeing everything with heart because after all, heart is where happiness comes from.

I saw this on my way to a cinema and I thought of Miami beach (xde kene mengena plak)

Monday, November 16, 2009

If you seek Ayu (f*ck you)

Some untitled tips:
#1 If you hate someone, don't be hypocrite but act like a famous actor!
#2 If you admire a person, don't blurt it out but stare like nobody cares
#3 If you don't have the time to take a shower, be ready to take some 'compliments'
#4 If you think that someone is looking at you, THINK AGAIN!
#5 If you don't have a penny, beg for a dollar
#6 If you think you are ugly, make up your mind
#7 If you think you are hot, buy a large mirror
#8 If you think you are beautiful, you are right

I walked on a street and I saw this animal, she got a weird tail, she seemed wild but she weren't shy, she even struck a pose when I pulled my camera out of my bag. I don't think she's cute but I'm sure she's brave. Thanks sweetie, you inspired me!

Friday, November 6, 2009

basuh kaki sebelum tidur

krrooorrhhh. His stomach made a familiar sound. He said; A bagel with creamcheese sounds great! He walked to the kitchen, opened up the fridge to grab a bagel. O-O oh ada telur!! Bagel or telur dadar? omputih or melayu?

He chose telur instead of bagel. He was right, his stomach is now happy.

Pizza or roti canai? ane, roti une!
Hot chocolate or teh tarik? tarik panjang-panjang ok!
Bacon or ikan bilis? sorry, I'm Muslim
Burito or popia basah? Abang, letak sos lebih ye

A plate of spaghetti prepared by the best cook will never taste like mee kari kak esah.

Empty plate. Full stomach. Another entry is posted.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rungutan si kusut pada si masai

Sepanjang persekolahan aku di sini, tak pernah aku rasa sekusut dan semasai ini. Semester-semester lepas, exams selang beberapa minggu. Sekarang, hampir setiap minggu ada 1 atau 2 atau 3 exams. Minggu depan ada 2 exams, minggu depan lagi ada 2 lagi exams, minggu depan lagi lagi ada presentation. Lepas tu cuti thanksgiving seminggu, seminggu selepas cuti, ada 1 exam, minggu depannya ada 3 final exams. Belum lagi campur exam2 sebelum entry ni di tulis. Mahu pecah serebrum aku dibuatnya.

Kalau exams tu suruh tulis abc cekodok basi boleh la aku bersuka ria menjawab, tapi exams pasal C2b, C4, C4b2a, C5..apa kejadahnya semua ini? Kalau exams pasal 123 kucing berlari, mampulah aku congak pakai jari, tapi exams pasal K=9 x 10^9 N·m/C^2, pakai kalkulator saintifik pon belum tentu dapat jawapan.

Wahai masa, tolonglah berdetik laju lagi. Biarlah aku penat berlari, asalkan aku dapat balik Malaysia cepat. Alangkah indahnya kalau ada bas ekspres rakyat RM30 dari sini ke Malaysia.